“To Strengthen America as a place of welcome for displaced LGBTQ people.”

Who We are?

At Refuge America, we stand as a beacon of hope and support for those who face persecution and discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

What we do?


In countries across the globe, LGBTQI+ individuals endure unimaginable hardships solely due to their authentic selves. Through our community sponsorship program, we provide a lifeline to those in need, offering assistance and resources to help them escape violence and oppression.

Connecting them with support networks, we are committed to ensuring their journey to safety is as smooth as possible.

Public Programming

Education and awareness are powerful tools in the fight for equality and justice. Through our public programming initiatives, we strive to foster understanding, empathy, and allyship within communities.

From workshops and seminars to cultural events and awareness campaigns, we endeavor to create spaces where LGBTQI+ voices are heard, valued, and celebrated.


Change begins with a single voice, amplified by collective action. As passionate advocates for LGBTQI+ rights, we tirelessly work to challenge discriminatory policies, promote inclusivity, and advance legislative reforms.

By amplifying the voices of those marginalized and advocating for systemic change, we strive to create a world where every individual can live openly and authentically, free from fear and prejudice.

Our Founder and Executive Director; Edafe Okporo, gave a TEDx talk on our vision for America to be a more welcoming place for displaced LGBTQ people.