World refugee day 2023 celebrating brave voices

Today is a day of profound importance, World Refugee Day. It is a day to reflect on the countless lives uprooted by violence and persecution, and to stand together in solidarity with those who seek safety, compassion, and acceptance.  

You know what breaks my heart? The fact that being gay is still a crime in so many parts of this world, and shockingly, even in recent times, it includes the United States. Can you believe it? In this land that's supposed to be the land of the free, where dreams are made, we have laws that make it illegal to simply be who you are. And let me tell you, if you're a black American who's a part of the LGBTQ community, the discrimination and prejudice you face are doubled. That's right, my friends, double the hatred, double the struggle.

And as if that weren't enough, let's talk about LGBTQ immigrants in the United States. Oh, the challenges they face are tripled. Can you imagine? Triple the discrimination, triple the fear, and triple the fight for their right to exist. It's downright outrageous.

Since 2016, it feels like things have been going from bad to worse. The far right, oh, they're doing everything in their power to make America unsafe for anyone who doesn't fit into their narrow definition of what it means to be an integral part of this country. And you know what? That definition, my friends, now includes almost the entire country. Can you believe that? Almost the entire country.

But let me tell you about Refuge America. We're not just sitting idly by my friends. No, we're rolling up our sleeves and building an America that is inclusive of the most marginalized among us. We're standing up for the rights of LGBTQ refugees, for those who have been left behind, risking their lives and enduring unimaginable hardships just to seek safety.

Today, I want to share with you the poignant story of Shadi, a courageous LGBTQ refugee from Syria.

Watch Shadi story of welcome:


Shadi's story of welcome is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, but it should also serve as a call to action. Together, we can create an America that truly embodies the values of compassion, acceptance, and justice for all.

Take Action now.

Every time we choose to ignore the plight of our fellow human beings, we leave them stranded, desperate, and vulnerable. We must act. We must act now. The story of Shadi reminds us of the urgency, the moral imperative, to extend a helping hand to those who need it most.

Today, on World Refugee Day, I implore you to visit, to learn more about our work, our mission, and how you can be part of the change.


Dignity Not Detention 2023 Campaign


Empowering Ordinary Americans to Create Safe Havens.